Is Product Owner role clear ? Discover the 8 stances of excellent PO !
The Digital Catalysts found out when helping teams going agile that the role of a Product Owner is often misunderstood by teams and PO themselves !
Our consultants also used to help teams by using the 8 stances of ScrumMaster game (thank you Barry Overeem 🙂 )

1- Why such a game ?
In our daily professional life, while helping teams, we always face issues and conflicts between Product Owners and Teams.
We solve these problems by catalyzing transformations and getting a Product Culture.
Explaining the role of the Product Owner is real issue we faced. We imagined this game on the same type of the ScrumMaster stances game.
2- Roles of Product Owner and our Toolkit
As the original for the ScrumMaster roles, we splitted in two parts : the stances we believe the Product Owner should have, and the stances the PO should not be having.
Stances of a Product Owner :

Stances of a bad Product Owner :

3- Download the game and use it !
Here is the link to access and download the PDF from our Google Drive :
Download :
Updates :
- we’re open to your feedbacks as soon as you experimented in your teams !
Translations :
- For now we prepared a version in English only, but as it’s Creative Commons, we’d be keen to get it translated by the community ❤❤: just drop us a message with your proposition and we’ll update the document and share with the community ❤❤

4- Who are the Digital Catalysts ?
DC CONSULTANTS is the leading pure-player agility consulting community, helping companies and teams to deliver better products & services since 2013 !
For the actors in charge of delivering projects and agile transformation leaders, who want to reduce their TTM, improve the quality of their products, DC CONSULTANTS provides consulting services, tools, trainings, with intervention of Agile Coaches, Product Owners, Scrum Masters (etc.) The offer of Digital Catalysts allows to deliver agile transformations easily, motivate and empower teams to deliver projects efficiently.