Of late, with COVID-19 pandemic taking the next leap, it becomes critically challenging for managers, CIOs, and CEOs to manage the teams effectively. They are struggling to achieve the organisation’s goals. Possibly, a Management 3.0 agile consultant could be their one-stop solution provider.

4- How can DC Consultants help?
5- About us
1-Managing a team with Management 3.0
Born in 2010, Management 3.0 has gained immense attention from the top decision-makers of an organisation. With employee happiness and satisfaction as the topmost priority, it is a revolutionary management practice that leads to effective leadership.
The Management 3.0 principles include Delight, Improve, Engage, Manage, and Co-create. An agile coach is the one who can help enact these principles within your team.
2 -Why implement Management 3.0 in time of crisis?
The whole world is locked down, and so do the employees’ state of mind. Managing the team, empowering them with all the required boosters, and helping them to collaborate effectively is the need of the hour. Here are some benefits of practising Management 3.0:
– Creates positivity
– Enhances skills
– Shared decision making
– Attention to productivity
– Agile measures and performances
– Persuasive engagement and leadership
3- Some constructive tools and techniques of Management 3.0
- Kudo Cards: Appreciating, caring, and acknowledging others’ efforts
- The feedback wrap: Actionable feedback to improve personally and systematically
- Moving Motivators: A set of cards to identify the actual motivators
- Change Management Game: A set of questions to share the success stories
- Delegation Poker and Boards: Bringing clarity in the roles and responsibilities
- Meddlers Game: Encourages team discussion on organisational structures and projects
- Personal Maps: Analysing one’s interpersonal skills
Others include culture books, business guilds, salary formula, problem time, happiness door, Niko-Niko calendar, and 360-degree dinner.
4- How can DC Consultants help?
True, that theory gives extensive insights. But how are you going to make it actionable and foster it, in reality, is a question. Take it easy! Agile consulting UK experts like DC consultants can help you with effective training, coaching, and continuous guidance on implementing the Management 3.0 and assist on the modern management techniques and tools.
As a certified partner of Management 3.0, DC CONSULTANTS can provide you guidance, official content, trainings, coaching, as we already do with our best clients.
Reach out to DC Consultants now to get the right solutions for the right situations!
5- About us
DC CONSULTANTS is the pure-player agility consulting firm, which has been supporting companies in all sectors in managing their projects since 2013! For professionals and decision makers in charge of delivering projects and leading a Lean Agile or devops transformation, reduce their TTM, improve the quality of their products, DC CONSULTANTS offers consulting services, tools, training, with support of Agile Coaches, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Tools experts, etc. DC CONSULTANTS’ offer makes it possible to lean an agile transformation easily, to train, motivate and empower teams and to deliver projects more quickly and efficiently.